

For your child

Child Psychological Support & Counseling

Psychological support is provided to children and adolescents in order to deal with psychological difficulties and problems they face.

In individual sessions the child is encouraged to express and process central issues that concern him through speech or the use of symbolic means such as play, fairy tale, painting, plasticine and more. An important element of the process is to build a relationship of trust between the child and the therapist, while it is necessary to work with the parents who also need to receive counseling support.

Common therapeutic goals are the recognition, expression and regulation of emotion, the treatment of trauma, the conquest of developmental phases, the connection with oneself and others, and the enhancement of self-regulation.

For you

Parental counseling

Parent counseling aims to strengthen the role of each parent so that he or she is able to help the child mature emotionally, deal effectively with his or her difficulties and ultimately become autonomous.

Parents are a source of support, encouragement and love for their children, however there are times when family relationships are tested by stress, conflict, frustration and feelings of isolation or neglect. Parental Counseling is a service that helps parents to understand the special characteristics of their family, to see how parental behavior affects the child’s behavior, but also what are the special needs of each child depending on his age.

Parental Counseling is aimed at any parent who is raising younger children or adolescents and feels the need for support, guidance and education. Parents are familiar with practical methods and techniques based on the latest neuroscience findings in the brain of children and adolescents and the theory of emotional connection.

The Parents’ School offers essential education and guidance to any parent who seeks to establish a “secure emotional bond” with their child and to enhance their cognitive and emotional maturity.

Parent groups are familiar with practical methods and techniques based on the latest neuroscience findings in the brain and adolescent brain and emotional bond theory.


Learning difficulties

The term Special Learning Disabilities refers to heterogeneous difficulties that may affect a child’s reading, spelling, math, judgment and general learning ability. They are not due to negative psycho-environmental factors or low intelligence.

In groups

Play therapy – Group programs

The group children’s programs are mainly aimed at children with difficulties in interpersonal relationships, lack of boundaries, intense competition, low self-esteem, difficulty in taking initiative and role at home or at school.

These are educational groups in which school children participate. Children cultivate those skills that are 1) necessary for recognizing and managing emotion, 2) achieving goals, 3) cultivating empathy, 4) creating and maintaining positive relationships, and 5) making responsible decisions.

The development of appropriate skills (social skills and appropriate emotional expression) is essential for every child, both for their academic progress and for their socialization. In addition, when these skills are acquired early, they can act preventively or reduce the risk of developing dangerous behaviors in later life (violent behavior, bullying, substance abuse, etc.).

The program can be implemented in the classroom or in the office.

For teenagers

Teen programs

Stress management program

Stress Management: This is the stress management program described here, with the only difference that it is oriented to the special needs of adolescence. (usually takes place in the 2nd Lyceum)

Stress Management +: The program is a continuation of stress management and is aimed at teenagers who have attended the first cycle. There is a greater focus on issues of interpersonal relationships, communication, empowerment of positive emotions and intra-individual situations (eg mindfulness, mental habits, etc.)

About us

The special education center was created by Ilona Ivanidou with the aim of providing specialized psychological and therapeutic services to children, adolescents and parents.
Our object is the diagnosis, support and rehabilitation of children & adolescents who face difficulties in their development, communication, learning-academic course, behavior or their general adaptation to the social and school environment.
We have created a welcoming space to welcome you and provide solutions to your problems.

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